Beauty Services

Get Results and RELAX while getting them

Reclaim your beauty and conquer your busy schedule with the Lux Signature Facial! Embrace a comprehensive approach by experiencing a skin analysis, facial treatment, mask, massage and whatever else your skin or you may need in one session. Maximize results, minimize downtime, and enhance your skin's health and appearance with our targeted products and advanced techniques. Schedule a facial and share your skin goals with our highly trained esthetician, Erin, to get a customized plan built for you.

Other beauty services at Lux include waxing, lash lifts, tints, brow laminations, & tints. If you’re wanting a tint with your lamination, let us know! We’ll happily do that at the same time! Coming to Lux in April includes: dermaplaning and an acne specific membership where we combine our acne specific skincare line with facials and our amazing laser to get you and/or your loved one results!

Head over to the booking portal to book your next appointment!